ASHRAE Journal
ASHRAE Journal 是否每月向会员发送出版物. The Journal articles provide peer-reviewed "need to know" information and thoughtful insight into the wide range of topics that influence building and system design, 安装与操作.
ASHRAE技术门户 is a central body of knowledge for ASHRAE technology and research products. Your membership allows access to 1700+ journal articles published since 1997 and 600+ final reports from research projects published since 1958 (RP-12).
Handbook Online
在成为会员的第一年, new Full Member and Associate grade members receive complimentary access to ASHRAE手册在线. This subscription can be renewed as a member benefit or for a nominal fee.
As a members you receive a free digital subscription to 高性能建筑杂志. The magazine presents practical solutions through case studies that include measured performance data and lessons learned through the design, construction and operation of today’s best-performing buildings measured through sustainability, 效率和整体建筑性能.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment
ASHRAE's journal for archival research is free to members. STBE is ASHRAE’s archival research publication offering comprehensive reporting of original research in science and technology. 访问您的订阅.
Shop the ASHRAE Bookstore 购买ASHRAE刊物. 购买标准, Guidelines, 会议论文, Design Guides, Electronic Products and more using your membership discount.
ASHRAE's 建立EQ门户网站 provides a quick energy analysis that benchmarks a building's energy performance. For an official Building EQ Performance Score to be reviewed and approved by ASHRAE, the project must be submitted by a credentialed user (BEAPs, BEMPs, and Professional/Chartered Engineers in the jurisdiction where the building is located). Credential users will also have access to several reports. There is a one-time set-up fee to verify credentials, which is only $15 for ASHRAE members.
Institute of Refrigeration (IOR) Technical Content
New! ASHRAE members can now join the Institute of Refrigeration (IOR) as an eAffiliate member with a special discounted partner membership fee to access even more technical resources from IOR. Learn More.